- Post “Status Updates”
- Photos, albums, tagging, privacy
- Events Calendar
- Show different profiles to different people/communities
- Privacy with military encryption
- Relationship Control (Follow and or share only)
- Browse posts by protocol (RSS, Bluesky, OStatus, ActivityPub)
- Following contacts and hashtags
- Themes and Addons
- Federation to Diaspora, Mastodon, Pleroma, Hubzilla, GNU Social, WordPress, Nextcloud, Pixelfed, PeerTube, OStatus, ActivityPub, Tumblr, Bluesky, RSS, Buffer, etc
- Panel for User- and Systemadministration
- Network Timeline – Posts of your contacts or post of the hashtags you are following
- Profile / Personal wall – Posts that you have created
- Community Page – Posts that are available on your node, consisting of public posts created from users of your node and public posts of contacts or hashtags users of your node are following
- Different sorting views
- Groups – you can put contacts in individual groups to just read their posts
- Comments and multiple posts are collapsed to the most recent (these may be expanded)
Posts & Status Updates
- “Unlimited” text length – many sites will allow up to 200k characters per post.
- Rich text supported – bold, italics, decoration, color, size, etc
- Paragraph formatting – tables, code blocks, quotations, etc
- Sharing of public posts (except private posts e.g. for closed group of recipients)
- Edit your posts after they have been published
- Oembed embedding support
- Media support includes Photos, Audio, Video, Embeds, Links, Youtube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, File Attachments and more
- Location/Geotagging Option for posts. Setting default location, using browser location setting or using an addon for random locations
- Common tag formats supported including @mentions and #hashtags
- Likes and dislikes
- Thread style Commenting
- Multiple deletion (delete all selected items)
- Seamless wall-to-wall posts and remote comments, even across different network nodes
- Notes to self – maintain your own private notebook
- Sending a post as email for non Friendica users
Direct Messaging
- Network ’email’ – provides ‘one-to-one’ private messaging to any Friendica or Diaspora, Mastodon, Pleroma or any other network member
Distributed Forums
- Public Forums – where everybody, even anonymous can read and join the discussion
- Private Forums – members need to be accepted be the forum owner or moderators. Discussions are not public and only visible to validated members
Privacy & Group control
- Private conversation groups – on these pages all communications are restricted to group members – similar to Google+ “circles” or Diaspora “aspects”
- Visual group editor to manage the members of private conversation groups
- All items controlled by access lists (individuals and groups – allow and deny
- Individuals may belong to more than one group
Photo & Media Management
- Upload Manager
- Tagging of photos
- Privacy Support – defining access to photos across network nodes
- Location and other private information embedded in uploaded photos from cell phones is stripped
Event Calendar
- Create distributed Events with Date, Time, Location, Description
- React with an Attendance Action like accept, decline or unsure
- Birthday notifications – timezone corrected so that if you are in New York and I am in Moscow you won’t get the birthday greeting on the wrong day.
- Personal and shared events in calendar
Profiles & Multiple Profiles
- Create different profiles to present to different people/communities
- Private profiles with controlled visibility. You can maintain completely different personality profiles visible only to specific people.
- Multiple profiles for example:
- Profile with your phone number and address for your friends and family
- Profile for the rest of the world with you email address only
- Existing profiles may be cloned to create similar profiles which only differ in minor details
- Visual editor allows you to select which friends can view which profile
- Many profile information sections and categories
- Anonymous profile viewing (any of your content and/or profile information) can be disabled
- Publishing your profile to network directories (site and global) is individually controllable
Relationship Control
- Follow contacts all over the fediverse
- “Follow” RSS Feeds – Arbitrary websites and blogs may be imported into your social stream via RSS/Atom feeds
- Sites can restrict friendships based on protocol, email addresses, and DNS location
- Fan (one-way) relationships are fully supported
- Create community profiles for large special interest groups / Forums
- Automatic contact suggestions
- Any contact can be blocked completely or quietly “ignored”
- Match people based on interests in the friendica directory
- Suggest / recommend existing friends to other friends
Themes, Addons & Apps
- Different Themes (Frio, Vier ..)
- Stylesheets / Schemes to change the default look of some Themes (dark, light, colorfull, etc)
- Addons – FromApp, ShowMore, etc
- Addons – Bluesky, Tumblr, GNU Social, pump.io, libertree, Blogger, WordPress
- Supports ‘Apps’ which are third-party plugin applications such as games or utilities
- Email contacts and communications supported (two-way) via IMAP4rev1/ESMTP
- OpenID Support
- Gravatar Support
- OExchange link sharing supported
- Portable Contacts Webstandard provides informationwiki. about friends between allowed sites using a standards-compliant format.
- OpenSearch provider interface for supported browser search engines
Mobile & Third Party clients
- Basic Twitter/GNU Social API provides easy access from a growing number of mobile and third party applications (Twidere, AndStatus, Bitlbee, Choqok, Frentcl, Gwibber, Hotot, IdentiCurse, Pidgin/Purple, Mustard, Pino, TTYtter, and more)
- Mastodon compatible API which allows the usage of many additional clients like Tusky, Fedilab, Sengi and more with your Friendica account
- Clients for Android, SailfishOS and Windows
System & Administration
- Decentralized architecture with no central authority or ownership
- Member directory, that respects all your individual privacy settings
- Administration interface with site settings, addon administration, log file management and member management
- Public Community page as a site representation provides recent public posts from across the site (respects all privacy controls)
- Server-to-server encryption Support
- Optionally “expire” old content after a certain period of time. The content is also removed from all other Friendica servers which might be holding a copy
- Language selector (or automatic detection) with a growing list of supported translations
- Message queuing and redelivery for reliable communications
- Built-in Help and Documentation
System Requirements
- Platform: PHP8+ / MySQL / Apache / nginx
- License: AGPL3
- Cost: FREE